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*R.e.a.d ADA Dental Drug Handbook: A Quick Reference (PDF) Read Books

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ADA Dental Drug Handbook: A Quick Reference


The ADA Dental Drug Handbook contains the latest information from dental pharmacologys leading experts. Intended for use by practicing dentists, students, dental educators, it covers the drugs most commonly used in the dental practice, with information about dosage, possible interactions, potential complications and more. Patients are being prescribed more medications today than ever before, and the dental team is confronted with many considerations when treating patients. This book contains five sections; the main section focuses on drugs used by the dentist, and other sections include pediatric management, dental office emergencies, handling patients with specific medical conditions, and useful tables. Each chapter starts with a brief overview of the category and contains easy-to-use monographs with sample prescriptions, contraindications, precautions, drug interactions, common side effects, and more.This easy-to-read, spiral bound reference covers drugs used in dentistry, such as .



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